How To Analyze Data
FFT Spectrum Analysis (Fast Fourier Transform)
Frequency analysis is just another way of looking at the same data. Instead of observing the data in the time domain, frequency analysis decomposes time data in the series of sinus waves. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a mathematical method for transforming a function of time into a function of frequency. |
Power Measurement and Power Analysis
Power analysis is simply the method by which power is tested and studied, typically using a power analyzer measurement device. This is an online course for learning how to perform power measurement and power analysis with Dewesoft power analyzers and power analysis software. |
Power Quality Analysis and Measurement
Power quality is commonly defined as the power grid's ability to supply a clean and stable power flow as a constantly available power supply. The power flow should have a pure sinusoidal wave form and it should remain within specified voltage and frequency tolerances. No real-life power source is ideal. Dewesoft online course will teach you what power quality is and how to perform power quality measurement and power quality analysis with Dewesoft power quality analyzers and power quality software. |
Modal Testing and Modal Analysis
Modal test and modal analysis are used to determine the engineering structures modal parameters, such as modal frequencies. damping ratios and mode shapes. The measured excitation and response (or only response) data are utilized in modal analysis, and then dynamic signal analysis and modal parameters identification are processed. |
Order Tracking Measurement and Analysis
Order tracking method is used to extract the harmonic components related to the rotational frequency of the machine. Order tracking is used in the analysis of vibration signals from rotating machines. Then, we use order spectrum instead of the frequency spectrum. An order spectrum gives the amplitude and the phase of the signal as a function of the harmonic order of the rotation frequency. |
Signal Filtering, Signal Suppression and Signal Processing
In the field of signal processing, a filter is a device that suppresses unwanted components or features from a signal. The most commonly used filters are low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop. Characteristics that describe filter are its type, cutoff frequency, order (steepness). |
Fatigue Analysis, Damage Calculation and Rainbow Counting
Fatigue is the progressive and localized structural damage that occurs when a material is subjected to cyclic loading. Continued cycling of high-stress concentrations may eventually cause a crack which propagates and results in leakages. This failure mechanism is called fatigue. |
Human Body and Whole Body Vibration, Hand-Arm Vibration
Human vibration is defined as the effect of mechanical vibration of the environment on the human body. During our normal daily life, we are also exposed to other vibrations during their working day. Those vibrations have to be monitored and are defined by standards. |
Sound Level Measurement and Analysis
Sound level is logarithmic measure of the effective sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference value. It is measured in decibels (dB) above a standard reference level. Sound level math allows calculation of the typical parameters for sound level measurements from a single microphone. It allows Dewesoft to be used as a Class 1 sound level meter. |
Single and Dual-Plane Rotor Balancing
Balanced rotors are essential for most kinds of rotating machinery. Unbalance will create high vibrations, reducing fatigue life, causing material defects. In most cases the rotor unbalance is the major problem of vibration, it is related to the rotational frequency. The goal of balancing is to minimize vibrations related to the first order. |
Rotational and Torsional Vibration Measurement and Analysis
Torsional vibrations are important whenever power needs to be transmitted using a rotating shaft or couplings such as in the case of automotive, truck and bus drivelines, recreation vehicles, marine drivelines or power generation turbines. Torsional vibrations are angular vibrations of an object and rotational vibration is simply the dynamic component of the rotational speed. |
Reference Curves For Signal Comparison
With the reference curves, we can compare different types of signals (time domain, frequency domain) to the reference signal and see whether our signal is above or below the reference limit. |
Virtual 3D Polygon for ADAS and Vehicle Dynamics Testing
Polygon is a platform for tests involving moving objects. It was made especially for vehicle dynamic testing and advanced driver assistance systems - ADAS, which increases safety in the traffic. Polygon provides a visual representation of measurements in the 3D virtual space and easy tools for geometric measurements between multiple static or movable objects. Due to its flexibility it's not only used in Automotive, but also Marine, Heavy machinery. |
Combustion Engine Analysis
This is a course about combustion analysis. You will learn how to make a CA setup in Dewesoft software to get the best results. |
PID Control
This is a course about PID Control. You will learn how to use the PID control math module to design a controller. Non-real-time control only. |
Statistical Calculations on Sampled Data
Taking raw data measurement is often not enough to come to the unwanted result, so data processing is one of the most important features that allow you to recalculate signals, filter them or make any other signal processing. Learn to implement and use statistical and counting operations on sampled data inside Dewesoft software and give you an overview of its overall purpose in data analysis. |

Statistical-Calculations-on-Sampled-Data.pdf |