Factory Calibration & Conformance Test
All Dewesoft data acquisition systems are calibrated and checked for conformance tests before they leave the headquarters to you. Factory calibration certificate is issued with 1-year validity.
The ISO standardization process requires a periodic check of the measurement equipment. We recommend your organization to return your Dewesoft instrument annually to the factory for inspection and calibration.
All Dewesoft data acquisition systems are calibrated and checked for conformance tests before they leave the headquarters to you. Factory calibration certificate is issued with 1-year validity.
The ISO standardization process requires a periodic check of the measurement equipment. We recommend your organization to return your Dewesoft instrument annually to the factory for inspection and calibration.
Accredited ISO Calibration
Accredited calibration of measurement instruments are needed when formal third party recognition of calibration is required. This recognition is for example required for instruments used as reference standards, or to meet various demands from different authorities.
An accredited calibration is traceable to national institutes such as NIST, NPL or PTB. Calibration certificates are issued in compliance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 and are recognized by all the major international accreditation organizations. Accredited calibration certificates are considered legally accepted documentation.
Dewesoft offers ISO 17025 calibration for all Dewesoft data acquisition systems and sensors.
Calibration is performed by outside ISO certified lab - SIQ - Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology.
GPS & INS/IMU Calibration
We also perform the calibration for our GPS receivers, Inertial Measurement Units and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS/IMU systems).
Calibration is performed on ISO certified equipment and with the same method as performed by ISO institutes.